Forbidden word: Anarchy

  • Using the method of delusion and propaganda, suppressing real information and using disinformation through education, media and culture, the state shapes the population according to its needs.

Author: Periša Reljić

Forbidden word: Anarchy

By controlling reality from the cradle to the grave, the state apparatus has only one intention – to create a suitable and unquestioningly obedient population. Collectivism combined with the monopoly of the state on the creation of personality, through education, control of the mainstream media and popular culture, purposefully destroys individualism and creativity.

The totalitarian power of collectivism gives the state unbearable ease not only to rule, but also to marginalize all undesirable personalities, movements and ideas. Anarchy is perhaps the most marginalized media satanized term by the state apparatus – and for good reason. The basic characteristic of all totalitarian regimes is the appropriation of absolute authority to the state apparatus. An individual as an individual, as a personality does not exist, we are all reduced to the level of an insignificant, irrelevant link in the chain. Born free, with the state monopoly on education, media and popular culture, we unquestionably fit into the impersonality of collectivism.

  • Collectivism instills in us the terms “our state”, “our leader”, “our government”, which, according to the state’s understanding, is above all personal and God’s rights. The factual situation is that “our country” is just a group of people who enjoy all the privileges of an easy life at someone else’s expense, without any responsibility towards the citizens at whose expense they live.

Another illusion being manipulated is that it is good to have a strong state. Germany at the time of Hitler was a strong state, with an unquestioningly obedient collective of citizens, the epilogue of that saga is well known to everyone. The strength of the state is not measured exclusively by the power of the apparatus of repression, but also by the weakness of the citizens themselves as individuals.

The omnipotence of the state is based on the unquestioning obedience of the citizen collective, collectivism formed into blind followers of the “higher state interest”. Through reality control, they are implanted as true fictions: the common good, paying taxes is a privilege, voting is a civic duty, with inevitable promises of some beautiful future that awaits us – in the future, of course.

Voting is not a duty but a matter of good will, the common good is an illusion – there is only good for individuals as parts of society. If paying taxes and taxis is a privilege – why the exception of the elite from such privilege? The construction of highways, corridors and the Belgrade “aqueduct” will not bring anything to the citizen as an individual – but to individuals from the regime’s elite, except for debts.

A strong state apparatus can not only forcibly use children for medical experiments, but also take children away from their parents – “children are the property of the state”. The strength of the state is best seen in the weakness of the individual himself, a person reduced to mere imagination with some delusional rights and the illusion of freedom.

States with totalitarian rule govern citizens in a one-way, top-down manner, with people reduced to the level of the subject upon whom action is taken. The mechanism of state repression sees its nightmare in one forbidden and demonized word for the public – Anarchy.

Demonized by the state as a creation of chaos, Anarchy is a Greek word that even literally means – without a ruler.

Anarchy as a social order has advocated the abolition of hierarchy and the rule of citizens as slaves since the time of ancient Greece. In time, the Greeks recognized authority and force as enemies of human freedom and civil rights. The ideal of anarchy itself is neither chaos nor powerlessness – but the functioning of society itself without the state elite and the autocracy of the regime. Democracy is conceived as ruling from the very roots of society, people as individuals, and the true value of anarchy can best be seen on the example of those states that are based on it.

Switzerland and Norway are the two countries that are closest to the original idea of ​​anarchy. All state issues are resolved democratically – by referendum, and state representatives only implement the will of their free citizens. Personal freedom and rights of citizens are above the goodwill of the ruling elite, and how “bad” is anarchy – ask the Swiss and Norwegians.

“The best slaves are those – who are not even aware of it”

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