Davos 2017: Welcome to the Brave New World of the Agenda 2030

  • Although Brexit, Trump and China were identified as the main topics of this year’s meeting of the global economic elite in Davos, the vision of the future was presented by the little-known Ida Auken.
  • The former Danish Minister of the Environment and leader of the Global Future Council on Cities and Urbanization presented the plan of the elite in an author’s text for “Forbes”:

“Welcome to 2030, I own nothing, I have no privacy and my life has never been better”

Author: Periša Reljić

  • Davos 2017:

Welcome to the Brave New World of the Agenda 2030

This year’s ritual meeting of the global economic elite in Davos will gather 3,000 participants. Although Brexit, Trump and China are marked as the main topics, the vision of a bright future is presented to us by the little-known Ida Auken.

The former Danish Minister of the Environment, as the leader of the Global Future Council on Cities and Urbanization, is one of the organizers of Davos 2017.

As one of the think tanks of the new world order, the Dane Ida Auken has published three books that deal with “modern religion” and its practical use in the process of globalization. Her masterpieces “The Afterlife in the Great Modern Religions”, “Jesus Goes to the Movies” and “Churches in the European Project” were her tickets to the “big brother” mechanism.

As one of the deserving promoters of the scam called “COP21”, this unsympathetic Dane was chosen to present to the public a utopian vision of a bright future. In her recent media appearances, Ida Auken announced the upcoming Global Agenda 2030 with the words:

“Welcome to 2030, I own nothing, I have no privacy and my life has never been better”

In the author’s text for “Forbes”, the Dane presented a vision of the world in the next decade. The mass of the unemployed who will survive on the state’s social assistance, the population that does not own money, apartments, houses, cars, mobile phones – not even their own wardrobe.

According to her, the world population, which reaches the number of 9 billion, expects 3 billion people to enter the middle class. Each of the three billion middle class expects to have an apartment, a car, furniture, a computer and a mobile phone – which, due to “UN Sustainable Development”, does not fit into the plans of the global oligarchy.

Instead of a better middle-class life, the “sustainable” UN Agenda 2030 envisions the abolition of personal property and privacy. The money will be abolished, and the largest part of the world’s population will be completely dependent on state social assistance – the so-called Global Basic Income initiative.

The population will live in Smart Cities, biometrically marked for easier surveillance, and even literally controlled by food through social assistance. Ida Auken presents a plan for a circular economy, thanks to which there will be no waste, but no ownership of personal property.

According to her announcements, all products will become services, and complete ownership will be transferred to international corporations. Instead of owning a mobile phone, washing machine or car, we will rent them from global corporations. The smart cars of the very new world will not be parked in the garage, but will be rented from corporations and as such in use 24 hours a day.

Such a destiny is intended for everything we now consider personal property: wardrobes, an apartment, furniture – why would a bed be in use only 8 hours a day if it can be used in 3 shifts and be in function 24/7? When you’re not there, “your” living room can be used for meetings or rented out to others, as well as a TV, computer – in a word: everything.

Statistics from the global management agency McKinsey & Company say that the car is driven for an average of 4 minutes a day. Instead of one driver owning it, corporations could rent their smart car 360 times a day for 4 minutes. It is similar with everything that we currently consider personal property, from the house to the wardrobe or the bed in which we sleep.

  • Considering that foreign corporations have already laid the right of ownership over our bodily organs, why would it be different on the example of a house, car or wardrobe.

A politically correct part of the global population will receive guaranteed social assistance in virtual currency as a reward without any cover, and for politically incorrect people, problems with loading RFID microchips are reserved until they come to their senses – or die of hunger, anyway.

“Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better” – Ida Auken, Global Future Council on Cities and Urbanization

Welcome to the Future, and the Future is Now